Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Portrait Event 2011 Part 1 : The Details

Yesterday was my Spring Portrait Event. I could not have asked for a better day! I was a little worried all week because all it did was rain. I was worried that it would rain, I was worried it would be cloudy, and I was worried that the ground would be a muddy, swampy mess. I was worrying for nothing! The sky was perfect, no rain, and the ground was not swampy at all.

I had a lot of help from many people and I could not have asked for more. I really want to say thank you to my mom for letting me boss her around all day! She also did the food and much of the details. My mom also made most of the giveaway prizes.

Here is a look at all the details...

The food table....... those strawberry things were AMAZING!!!

Cotton Candy!!!

Love the color of circus peanuts, so I had to have them!!

Inside of these mini cones were strawberry cupcakes...... THESE WERE A HIT! THANKS MOM!

Ahh, the prize table.

This is Jaxx. He was determined to catch those balloons. I just had to include him on here. He is a cutie!!

Here is a sneak at one of my settings for my portraits....

There is much, much, much, much more to come. Please stay tuned and let me know what you think!!! Should I have another event!?

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