Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Sketchbook Project

I have been waiting patiently.
Finally it came to me in the mail.

Direct from the Art House Co-op is my Moleskine sketchbook!

The Sketchbook Project is an international sketchbook tour that travels the USA and then ends at the Brooklyn Art Library. My sketchbook will live forever at the library and become part of their permanent collection :) . "It's like a concert tour but with sketchbooks" says the website. I am really excited to get started!!!

Anyone can sign up for this awesome project. They send you the sketchbook, detailed directions, a Brooklyn Art Library card and the theme for your sketches.

Here is the barcode that people can use to check your book out from the library. You can then view the details of your book online and read the feedback.

You can have them send you a theme or you can choose your own. I chose the theme:

You can alter the book in any way, as long as it remains the same size. The pages are very thin so I think I will be getting myself some spray adhesive tomorrow at the store :) .
I am excited to see where these sketches take me. I am hoping this reawakens my creativity as I feel like I have had "artist block" for a bit. I think it may already be working because I have a bunch of ideas bouncing around in my head right now!
I will try to keep you all updated during my project with pages that I complete. First I have some portraits to finish editing and then I will be fully involved in this sketchbook.
Give the Art House Co-op website a check to read more about the project, and other projects that they have. If you decide to sign up for this project, you have to do so soon.
Happy Sketching! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet Seth...

I haven't posted in a while because I have been super busy. My sister and nephew were visiting and I had many photos to edit. I appologize but I will make up for it with the sweet little guy in this post... :)

Check out his tiny foot.... or maybe its just a huge rock ;)

This little man has a really great big sister. She loves him sooo much!

How could you not with this little guy. I mean, LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!

So cozy and sleepy. What a trooper through the whole shoot.

Lori, thanks so much for choosing me to take Seth's photos. Also, thanks a ton for the wonderful comments on facebook. :) I look forward to watching your kiddos grow and I can't wait for our next session!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A future star....

This girl wants to be an actress and I think she has what it takes....
she is gorgeous...

I love her hair!

Remember me when you are famous girl!!!

This girl....

... is so comical and adorable. I had so much fun at this shoot.
When I asked her to give me a smile she said...
I asked her why not and she replied...
"Cause I don't really feel like it."

Jumping off of this step was the highlight of her day.

She must have jumped off of there over a dozen times.

Finally a smile!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A sneak peek....

Had the cutest shoot the other day... just check out these boots....

Check out the cutie pie in the cute boots..... ADORABLE!

more to come!


Baby Summer!
I had so much fun snapping away at this beautiful little one.
She was so wide awake the entire shoot!

She just loved watching everything that was going on around her.

Some shots with the Fringie....

some on a cloud....

And a ring shot...

Then finally.... she sleeps....

Thanks Steph and Jeff for letting me photography your little lady!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Coming soon....

...a sweet sweet baby...

Love is in the air....

I am in love with love. It is what makes the world go round. I love movies, shows and songs about love.... I love proposals and weddings and all that stuff that goes along with it. Love is amazing. So when I am asked to photograph a couple in love I can't say no.....
Check out this wonderful, in love, couple....

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So Sweet...

I love this little man. Alright, I know I am biased (he is my nephew), but after looking at these photos I bet you can't help but falling in love with him as well....

I adore how he is lounging in this next one!

He LOVES the camera and his expressions are priceless....

And now for something not everyone will get...
Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres, why we only live to serve,
try the grey stuff, its delicious, don't believe me ask the dishes!