Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A future star....

This girl wants to be an actress and I think she has what it takes....
she is gorgeous...

I love her hair!

Remember me when you are famous girl!!!

This girl....

... is so comical and adorable. I had so much fun at this shoot.
When I asked her to give me a smile she said...
I asked her why not and she replied...
"Cause I don't really feel like it."

Jumping off of this step was the highlight of her day.

She must have jumped off of there over a dozen times.

Finally a smile!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A sneak peek....

Had the cutest shoot the other day... just check out these boots....

Check out the cutie pie in the cute boots..... ADORABLE!

more to come!


Baby Summer!
I had so much fun snapping away at this beautiful little one.
She was so wide awake the entire shoot!

She just loved watching everything that was going on around her.

Some shots with the Fringie....

some on a cloud....

And a ring shot...

Then finally.... she sleeps....

Thanks Steph and Jeff for letting me photography your little lady!