Friday, December 4, 2009

2010 Representatives

I am currently looking for representatives for 2010! A rep will get a stack of postcards and will hand them out to their friends, family, friends of friends…etc. Reps will earn credits for every referral that schedules (and completes) a shoot with Briana Kenno Photography! Credits can be redeemed for prints, coffee table books, and sessions. I am looking for preferably people 13-20 years old but would love to have some parents join in! Please check the discussion section of the page to learn more!

Who: models, teens, moms, dads, grandparents …everyone!
Why: to spread the word!
When: winners will be chosen in January.
How many?: I will be choosing up to 4 reps
What do I have to do?: You will get business cards and postcards and your job is to tell everyone you know about why they should have their photos done by Briana Kenno Photography! Then for every referral you send my way that completes a session, you get credits.

The deadline is December 31st! Reps will be selected and notified with more information in January!

How to apply: Email or send a message with your name, email, phone number, age (if under 18 please get your parents’ permission) and answer the following questions, Why do you think you would make a good representative for Briana Kenno Photography? What makes you, you?

Chosen reps will receive a free mini-session in the spring!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beautiful Girl...

This weekend I was able to spend time with my beautiful sister. It was bit chilly outside but she tolerated me bossing her around... Here is a sample of the pictures I took that day....

more to come soon!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Beautiful Nephew...

Here is my new nephew Shawn! I love him so much! I had the pleasure of visiting him and doing several photoshoots throughout my stay....

This is in the Hoh Rainforest in Washington... near Forks :)

A family portrait...

tiny feet....

In a cocoon....

just like Daddy....

He loved getting his picture taken....

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I thought I would add some more photos of my beautiful cousins who were gracious enough to let me boss them around for a few hours ;o)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kids will be kids.....

These photos are from a session I had with my cousin... I should say a session that I tried to have. He was not very cooperative but I think I got some cute shots out of him.

Of all animals, the boy is the most unmanageable. - Plato

(I thought that quote fit pretty well)

Miss you James!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Portrait Session...

Finished up some photos from a session I had with two lovely ladies...

Aren't they gorgeous?

I'm lucky to have them as my cousins!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Something I Learned Today...

I have decided to site see around Johnstown. While with my Grandma at the Flood Museum she told me the story of her great great grandfather being lost in the 1889 flood. The story is that he was at his wife's funeral which was postponed because of the rising waters. Being distraught, he did not go home when the others did. He was last seen leaving the church and walking into a bar. I like to think that he loved her so much, he didn't want to leave her and just stayed at the church.

Later while looking through some books, we found a bit about my Great Great Great Great Grandmother's Funeral....

Here is an excerpt from another book....

"The rising waters also interrupted a funeral. Mrs. Mary McNally died the previous day at her home in Prospect. Her body was removed to St. John's Roman Catholic Church at Jackson and Locust streets at 8 A.M. for the requiem mass. During the funeral services, the water rose so swiftly in the streets outside that the mourners were forced to disperse to their homes and it was impossible to proceed with the burial at the Lower Yoder cemetery. There was nothing to do but leave the casket by the altar."
-Johnstown, The Day The Dam Broke


I just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to my new undertaking... this is a blog of both personal and professional photos. I'm looking forward to sharing my work here, so please check back, there are a lot of ideas and projects on the way!
Here is a taste from my collection...